There are many ways for business to increase productivity without
investing in new systems or tools. All you need is objectivity and a
flexible mindset.
1. Observe how work is done
What you understand should be done could be very different from what
is actually done. Get out of your office and spend a day in the field.
Speak with the people who do the work and observe, or do the actual work
yourself. The field day is an eye-opening experience. You gain
knowledge on the daily challenges in the field. You appreciate the
effort required to do the work. You uncover opportunities for
2. Validate business rules
This is different from assumptions in that business rules are
generally the by-product of assumptions. Using the above example of the
assumption that junior staff makes mistakes. The resulting business rule
is to review their work. Is the business rule justified? If so, is the
action appropriate? What modifications can you make to minimize
unnecessary work?
3. Verify need
A task is done to satisfy certain requirement. The requirement could
involve internal procedures such as expense approval; legal reviews for
liability; quality checks for performance standard, and regulations for
health and safety. The majority of work performed in a business should
focus on the needs of the end customers. Work performed to satisfy
internal needs is potential non-value-add work. Hence, check that the
need is valid.
4. Question assumptions
Practices that have been in place for many years are no sacred cow.
They could be suitable at one point based on former assumptions and
conditions. These assumptions might no longer be applicable. When nobody
knows why an assumption is valid, it is time to get rid of it. For
example, a supervisor needs to review a junior staff’s work to ensure
that there is no error. The assumption is that a junior employee makes
error. This might be true when a person is new on the job. It shouldn’t
be an issue when he is well trained. Otherwise, you have a training
5. Examine roles
Departmental responsibilities generally determine who does specific
work. This tends to set boundaries around job roles and unfortunately,
could be more restrictive than one would like. Instead of having one
person do the data entry and another person verify the data and select
an action, why not combine the work and make one person accountable?
This eliminates duplication of work by the second person and it saves
6. Rearrange sequence
Sequential arrangements take longer to complete the end-to-end
process. There might be tasks which could be done concurrently or
exceptions could be made. This reduces the risk of bottlenecks and
expedites work.
7. Minimize handoffs
When work involves multiple departments, the handoffs add time.
Things could get lost in the transfer. Incomplete information might
result in iterations of steps and frustration. Duplication of effort is
inevitable. Assess each handoff point and determine if it is necessary.
If so, look for ways to improve the effectiveness of the transfer.
8. Examine use of technology and tools
You might own the state-of-the-art technology and tools, but only use
a small portion of the functionality. At the same time, you feel the
tools are inadequate because you are not able to perform work as
efficiently as you would like. This is a very common problem. Revisit
the capabilities of the technology and tools. Explore how to better
utilize what you have before abandoning them.
9. Remove roadblocks
Roadblocks stall progress. They could be generated internally or
externally. For example, municipalities rely on the financial
institutions to provide mortgage payment information so that the
property tax accounts could be updated. If the financial institutes
failed to co-operate, delays would result. The roadblock needs to be
addressed. Identify the root cause of the roadblock and be tenacious in
eliminating it.
To achieve productivity improvement, you simply need an impartial
aptitude for trying new approaches. Be mindful about paving-the-cow-path
and challenge the status quo. One could find many opportunities for low
hanging fruit for improvement. Avoid jumping to the conclusion that you
need a brand new tool every time you face a productivity issue
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