Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Startup Best Practices 15 - Start With the Why

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” This line from Simon Sinek’s TED talk captures the power of a values based marketing campaign. Simon contrasts feature-based marketing - start with what the company is selling continue to how they do it and finishes with why - to value based campaigns which reverse the story-telling order. Values campaigns start with the why.

Friday, 9 October 2015

10 tips to make your mark in a new job

A new job is a scary but an exciting experience.

Starting a new job is scary and exciting all rolled into one! Just like your first day in school, but this time you're in heels and there's big expectations on you. So, here's my top tips on making those first few weeks a seamless transition.
The first three months of any new job is a stressful process for both you and your new company, this is the time many people jump ship thinking they've made the wrong mistake, the job isn't what was sold to them or the culture is far from what they expected.

Apple hired the Tesla engineers we fired: Elon Musk

Elon Musk shrugged off fears about Apple being a new competitor and said that any Tesla (TSLA) employees it had hired were not important.
"They have hired people we've fired. We always jokingly call Apple the 'Tesla Graveyard'. If you don't make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple. I'm not kidding," Musk told German newspaper Handelsblatt, while touring Berlin.

Unveiling Mikano… Beyond Power Generation

It could have just been another dream, up until the 13th of January 1995, when Mikano International Limited was established with a clear cut mandate to provide valued customers satisfactory solution for their power needs with quality products at competitive pricing, while maintaining customer satisfaction by consistently meeting and exceeding their expectation.

Is Social Media Marketing a Threat to Traditional Advertising?


The popularity of Social media has significantly increased in the last 5 years. The reach of Social media has increased enormously as more people are getting active on social networking sites. Social networking sites have spread across the globe by offering free text, video chatting and other interactive services. Facebook has already crossed 1.44+ billion users worldwide. Twitter has more than 300+ million users, LinkedIn has 380+ millions users and Google+ has 540+ millions active users.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Rising Above Organic Growth

Rising Above Organic Growth
A successful small to medium size business often runs the risk of feeling “too comfortable.” Even though revenue is coming in, your customers like you, and your sales force is calling on customers regularly, you aren’t seeing the growth you are looking for. This lack of desired growth may be a result of new competitors, new products or services in the market, or that the market itself is growing stagnant.

9 Ways to increase productivity with zero capital

There are many ways for business to increase productivity without investing in new systems or tools. All you need is objectivity and a flexible mindset.
Here is a list of nine things you could do:

General Electric Moves to Promote Local Content Development in Nigeria

GE Dangote

General Electric (GE) has said its priority is to boost local content development among operating companies in Nigeria, in line with the policy of the federal government.
President/CEO of General Electric, Dr. Lazarus Angbazo “Over 40 Nigerian companies are currently suppliers to GE and we are looking at doubling the number to enable more Nigerian companies become suppliers to GE both in Nigeria and abroad, for the purpose of developing local Nigerian companies that will become part of GE global supply chain.”

Why you need an HR Consultant to Revamp your Business

Human Resource is an important department in any company. People who have the ability to manipulate people on to their terms are the ones getting extremely successful in this field. Some companies accommodate an HR department, while others make use of the HR consultancy. I would also like to mention that HR consultancies are not just for the companies, but people who search for jobs also make use of them.

Does your business have what it takes to succeed in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace?

If you have a product or service that everyone needs and no one else offers, it’s easy to be the best. Unfortunately, that’s not a reality for most businesses today. To succeed in the real world, businesses need every advantage they can get. Many CEOs agree that the way to win is to build and manage their company’s brand. Have you heard the saying, “Build it and they will come?”

Thursday, 10 September 2015

What REALLY happens in a plane in an emergency? Flight safety expert reveals what the pilot of the BA plane that burst into flames in Las Vegas would have been thinking and doing as the drama unfolded

Pilot Chris Henkey has been hailed a hero after his calm and swift actions saved the lives of 157 passengers when his plane burst into flames on a Las Vegas runway on Tuesday.

But what was actually happening in the cockpit during that emergency?